People think that it has a religious meaning. The infinity symbol is a scientific and mathematical sign for number infinity or eternal time and space. The infinity also means that everything will come back again, like how the sun goes down at night but then comes back up in the morning. It comes from an old sign of a serpent biting its own tail, which means it can never die or end. It is called the Lemniscate, which means ‘ribbon,’ and was first used by Greek philosophers and mathematicians. The infinity symbol is a shape that has been around for a long time. Also, the 8th dynamic stands for “supreme being” or “creator.” They don’t believe in reincarnation, which is when people become someone else’s soul after they die. They think it also means “the 8th dynamic.” This is the part of Scientology that talks about infinite and eternal existence. Scientologists believe in the “infinity” symbol. It’s a Latin word, which means “unboundedness” or “without limits”. It means that there are no bounds to it and it has no end, like if one number gets bigger than another number – infinity is bigger than any other number. He was a mathematician and discovered the infinity symbol in 1655. The infinity symbol got discovered by a man who is English and his name is John Wallis. What Does Infinity Symbol Mean in Modern and Ancient Times It is also used in designs of Celtic knots which resemble the Double Infinity Symbol that means “double absoluteness” or something that is whole. In Tibet and India, the infinity symbol means perfection and balance between men and women. It can have different meanings depending on where and when it is used. The infinity symbol has been around for a long time. Others see empowerment and duality in the infinity sign. Some people think of eternity because the infinity symbol looks like a number 8 that is sideways.

The symbol on it can mean something different to different people.